...a little superficial shopping never hurts. Check out these Mary Jane boots. And, I really want the "Rain Rain, Go Away" blue sky umbrella. Hey, not everything has to be so serious to be so positive. Just don't get too crazy with the credit card.
Think about your life and how it starts.
You start with a clean slate as a tiny, wailing-crying baby human. You have no idea where you are, but you continue on. From there, for at least the next 18 years, you learn. Someone teaches you to eat, to brush your hair, to wash your face, to be kind to others, to eat your vegetables, to write a term paper, to solve an algebra problem, to fly a kite. You are trained to go to school, from age 5 to age 18, at the very least. Then, you go on to what you think you will do for the rest of your life ~ you get to choose what and where you learn at a college or university, where you can easily spend at least 4 years, maybe 10 if you feel like it. Then, you are in the world, on your own. You have no idea where you are, but you continue on. Unless you apply the teachings you have learned, it's all just useless trivia. With all the years of textbooks and tests, we all know that the most important things you've learned, you learned them when you were just a child, just before you went to school. "Some people never grow up, they just grow older," my mom told me once, explaining the juvenile pettiness of someone I'd encountered along the way in life. Whether you realize it or not, we all choose everyday, of whether to learn and to grow or to not, with just the smallest actions we do, or don't do. "Character is what you do when no one is looking," I read once. You have no idea where you are, but you continue on. You have to listen to your intuition, between what you know is right or wrong, and choose the right answer. You don't have to, but that's the way it was set up. Someone taught you the difference between the two along the way. If they didn't, then it's never too late to learn. You have no idea where you are, but you continue on. And sometimes, that's all you need to know to continue on. Life is that easy and that hard at the same time. Sometimes that is all you need to know. The rest is just photos and yearbooks and useless worry. The best solution isn't always the easiest, but right is right for a reason. It works.